Online Reach

Our service will help your company achieve a much broader reach – at a fraction of the cost

Time Savings

Once you’ve logged in, you can keep your company’s profile up to date on 35+ portals simultaneously


Our technology has a significant impact on the local positioning of your company


Our listing automatically protects you from data manipulation


Keep up to date and respond to customer feedback

Everything in One Place

With MYLS, you have one contact for your entries in 35+ portals

Free Advice

Visible on over 40 platforms in Switzerland

Google MapsaroundmelinkedinbaidubingtwittwerbrownbookckmapcylexfacebookfactualfindopenFliggyfoursquaregooglemapsgoogle-my-businessherehotfrogiglobalöffnungszeitenbuchinfobelinstagramkoomiomapstr2mafengwo2navmiipages24pitney-bowes-logo-thumbSnapchatstadtbranchenbuchteslatomtomtrip2tripadvisortupalouberwazewogibtswasshowmelocalwheretoyalwayandexinfoisinfo

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